Thursday, 16 August 2012

Paleo Diet Recipes


Below you will find all of my healthy recipes Paleo diet. The Paleo Diet is the diet of our ancestors. The Paleolithic occurred during the period from 10,000,000,000 to 2.5000000 of years ago. At that time we were hunter-gatherers. Then things changed with the advent of the agricultural revolution.
About 10,000 years ago, the grains were introduced into our diet. This was a radical change in diet for mankind. For 99% of our existence, man has lived on a diet without wheat. Therefore, the grains are a "novel food". I think some people like me are poorly adapted to digest cereal and cereal consumption can cause chronic "incurable" condition.
Why? Cereals contain antinutrients that prevent their absorption in the intestine. The antinutrients in grains serve as evolutionary strategy to protect the integrity of the grain so that it can survive. This same protection creates damage in the body of people like me. I was free of wheat since 2001 and I believe that my health has helped enormously.
So I made ​​this page with my Paleo recipes. You can also check out my weekly Meal Paleo. As an athlete all my life I have personally found that dietary Paleo recipes provide nutrition for superior athletic performance.

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